1-647-465-2525 anita_parhar@yahoo.ca
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The modern facial down with Laser light is an effective approach to repair and enhance skins natural appearance, simply a game-changing skin rejuvenation.  Sunspots, brown spots, minor imperfections, rosacea, pigmentation, broken capillaries, and fine lines and wrinkles fade away. Your skin tone improves along with texture, complexion, elasticity as well as stimulating your collagen production giving you a fullness slight lift and reduces pore size. Anti-ageing at your best! No downtime, no redness, pain-free and takes approximately 20 minutes.




A superior resurfacing which removes dead damaged dull surface layers to reveal a fresh healthy youthful complexion and more youthful skin beneath, smoother, more even-toned and blemish-free.  Watch your makeup go on like butter, no more caking and powdery finishes.  Feel the huge difference within just a few minutes! Definitely, a game-changer when pursuing your skin health!




Enzyme and glycolic peels remove damaged dull surface layers to reveal a fresh healthy glowing complexion and more youthful smoothed skin. Helps with scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, dull complexions, rough skin textures, and removes surface pigmentation.